Posts Tagged “Web Fonts”

Hello, Colfax

On a whim, I decided to switch from my typical serif blog type to Colfax, a lovely typeface designed by Process Type Foundry. I’d been using it for site navigational elements and was thrilled to see... read more

Sharp Sans

I’m adding Sharp Sans to my list of fonts I hope to find an opportunity to work with soon. A description from Village Type & Design: Sharp Sans injects some much needed humanism into the Futura... read more

OpenType on the Web

While preparing for my Ampersand Conference talk, I decided to learn more about how to use OpenType features on the web. I was delighted to find this online demo/sandbox built by the conference organizer himself, Richard... read more

The Newest New Typography

I love what Gerry Leonidas says in his Ampersand Conference talk (at about 29:30) about making better use of stuff like Markdown to create a more browser-centric set of tools. We use so many apps for... read more

8Faces #5

I can remember listening to Elliot Jay Stocks speak about all that went into getting 8Faces magazine up and running at Brooklyn Beta 2010. I’d bet that the dedication and courage he demonstrated in embarking on... read more

Fluid Type

Embracing the fluid & flexible aspect of responsive web design was an easy decision, but I’ve been less sure-footed when it comes to balancing that with setting type on the web. From a purely typographic perspective,... read more

Jiro, Sushi & Web Type

One of my favorite documentaries is Jiro Dreams of Sushi, which tells the story of 85 year-old sushi master, Jiro Ono, who has spent his life honing his craft at a 10-seat restaurant in a Japanese... read more

In Flux

I had my brand new retina display iPad (all 3.1 million pixels) in one hand and the panic button in the other. I was sure the pixel-dense screen would take the websites we’ve built and peel... read more

Icon Fonts

Chris Coyier’s Icon Fonts are Awesome demo pushed me up to the edge, and seeing how fuzzy image icons look next to ultra-crisp retina display text threw me over. Now, I’m testing out an icon font... read more

A New

Today, Paravel launched the new responsive website for Typofonderie. We had a great time with the challenges that arose from building a font-selling, ecommerce-driven, responsive web site. We took extra care to scale things like category... read more

New Adventures Workshop

The time for New Adventures is nearly upon us! I’ve been building slides for my talk as well as prepping materials for my workshop on controlling web typography. The plan is to spend some time exploring... read more

Things Still Missing From CSS

Molly Holzschlag wrote a great article for .Net Magazine outlining seven things still missing from CSS. She gets into web fonts on #5, which is my favorite. I particularly liked this point: Fine control remains elusive... read more

Netmag: Texturizing Web Type

I recently wrote a tutorial on texturizing web type for .Net magazine (Issue 221). One of my favorite CSS properties for text, mask-image, is covered in-depth from creating a semi-transparent texture in Photoshop to implementing it... read more


Gene Crawford from UnmatchedStyle asked Paravel to design a page for this year’s CSS Off competition. Over 5,000 front-end developers have entered to show off their skills by taking a PSD we designed and coding it... read more

Converge SE 2011 Slides

My Paravel cohorts Dave, Reagan and I had a great time conferencing at Converge SE this summer. If you missed it or want a refresher you can check out the example site from our Designing With... read more

Converge SE 2011

I’ll be doing double duty this June at Converge SE, teaming up with my Paravel cohorts, Dave & Reagan, for a workshop called Designing with Type on Friday, and speaking about Controlling Web Typography on Saturday.... read more

Controlling Web Typography

Lettering.js was built to solve a problem. As web typography improves, web designers want the same level of control print designers have. Just as we’ve moved beyond Helvetica and Times New Roman, we’ve begun to think... read more

Lost World’s Fairs

IE9 public beta is here, and I’ve had the fair fortune to be recruited by The Friends of Mighty to showcase its support for the Web Open Font Format (WOFF). A while back, Jason Santa Maria... read more


FontShop has done a lot for web fonts.  Their latest contribution, FontFonter, lets you test an ever-expanding set of available fonts on any site you wish.  Aside from being the easiest & lowest commitment way to test... read more

Trimming The Fat

The last version of this site lasted just under a year. That may seem like a short amount of time until you consider how quickly things change on the web. @font-face usage has been fortified by... read more